Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Non-Unionized Exploitation of TV Animation Outsourcing

 From and

Chebits: "Behind every union backed American animation studio are hundreds of outsourced artists doing the bulk of the work way under what their American counterparts are paid.

I saw a post where people said to support union only animated shows but that's the problem. No show is completely union as far as I know. That needs to change.

Not to mention how much those American studios do not trust the studios they send the work to. I've been in a meeting where someone from LA said something along the lines of "make sure this is super cleaned up, can't risk Vancouver messing it up".

I want people to realize how many talented artists are behind the shows they love. Fight for them to have better conditions so they can have long careers and not burn out or develop injuries from over working themselves just to survive.

Final addition: I love and respect my American colleagues very much! We all work super hard to put out great shows. My blame is solely on the systems that take advantage of us all because of capitalism. Systems that bank on our fear and our passions.

Systems designed to take advantage of us and the fact that studios often under bid just to score the contracts and then have the artists suffer the consequences.

In short: UNIONIZE."

olluigi: "Fun fact: I've been on several productions where there have been obvious mistakes in the boards because board artists shouldn't have to do everything perfectly. That's not what their jobs about, but we are told we have to match the boards when we try to fix perspective.

Outsourcing artists are incredibly capable, we're just not given any freedom. This hurts everyone, since then board artists are forced to overboard to hell. they prevent us from doing our job correctly because if someone doesn't like it and sends it back that's more time (money).

The secret is if companies actually cared about the art and not the profit, we'd be working together as a team supporting each other the way the pipeline is originally supposed to work. Board artists shouldn't be designing and key-posing, that's an insane amount of work.

Its easy to just think "oh, everyone not in LA isn't talented and doesn't know how to do their job" instead of "oh, we're being pushed to our limits to enable the exploitation foreign tax breaks and un-unionized artists that aren't allowed to do anything that deviates from the board"

It sucks too, saying this stuff risks us future job opportunities. But I'm tired, burnt out, and probably gonna try to switch careers soon anyways.  I have mad respect for older Canadian animators. Being able to stick it out through the insane burnout is pretty amazing.

And this goes TRIPLY for Filipino artists and other overseas outsource studios, they have it so much worse: working 3+ shows at once, locked in the studio till 2-3am, no sick/holiday, horrid pay, 2 year long unpaid internships. Union American studios outsource to these.

Hell sometimes union American studios outsource to un unionized Canadian studios that outsource again to the Philippines. No production is fully union. The whole thing relies on us thinking these other artists are just inferior instead of horrifically exploited.

Anyways thats my ted talk"

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