Monday, January 24, 2022

Storyboard BTS on Looney Tunes Cartoons short "Stained by Me" by Michael Ruocco

Link to original thread:

"Stained by Me" was my last Porky & Daffy short for the show, but I had a lot of fun drawing Daffy. Still didn't have a full handle on Porky yet. This was also about the time burnout was starting to kick in, so I'm getting flashbacks looking at these panels:

Watching the final short last night, I forgot how long that opening shot was. It just keeps going. Looking back, I should've added more cuts and broken it up. Whoever animated it, I'm really sorry.

I originally wrote a whole different dixie-style song for the washboard scrubbing scene, but it was changed after I handed it in for reasons. Probably too long? I really needed that ASCAP money haha. Ah well. I'll post the lyrics I wrote for it another time.

I always liked it when I gave Porky a chance to fight back against Daffy, which wasn't many times. Poor Porky. But at least he had some opportunities to let out his frustrations.

I spent a lot of time in laundromats these last few years in LA. Hot summer evenings after being in the studio all day was a drag, until I was finally able to mooch off my friend's nice washing machines. I think having home units is the LA equivalent of living in luxury.
I'm glad the "No Horse Blankets" sign stayed in.
It was around this time when I tried forgoing my usual step of boarding a cartoon in 3 passes and going right from roughs to tighter clean ups. Didn't care for it, so I eventually fell back into my more comfortable, sloppy approach.

I didn't expect the final cartoon to utilize those cool, dramatic colors, and I really dug how it finally turned out. A nice surprise!

Glad they kept my cut-off explosion shots too!

I think this short had the most extensive rewrites out of any of my shorts, so I appreciate the work of my director David Gemmill, Jacob Fleisher and co. for "ironing out" all of it's wrinkles and rewriting the stuff that just wasn't working when I initially pitched it. Thanks guys!

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